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زيادة الأوزان فى العجول هو سر نجاح تسمين العجول

November 9, 2023/

محفزات النمو أصبح لها أهمية كبيرة جداً فى مجال تسمين العجول، وذلك لأنها أثبتت كفاءة عالية فى زيادة الأوزان فى العجول؛ لذا أصبح احتياج العجول لمحفزات النمو أصبح ضرورة ملحة لأفضل ربح من تسمين العجول؛ وذلك لأن الظروف المحيطة قد تؤدى إلى ضعف معدلات التحويل حتى لو كان الحيوان يحصل…

September 28, 2023/

Fatty liver disease and uterine inversion are common health concerns in poultry farming. These conditions can have a significant impact on the overall productivity and profitability of poultry operations. However, recent research suggests that incorporating biotin into the diet of poultry can play a crucial role in preventing and managing…

Vitamins A, E are Keys Player in Broiler Health and Growth.

September 28, 2023/

A healthy and successful poultry business depends heavily on vitamins and minerals for chickens.Poor or insufficient feeding programs can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies in poultry, which is one of the main problems with poultry.A lack of adequate vitamins and minerals for chickens can result in a variety of…

How to setup High Performance in Broiler chicks?

September 27, 2023/

When it comes to raising chicks, ensuring high quality is of utmost importance. The performance and overall health of chicks can be greatly influenced by various parameters such as weight, Immunity, and bone development. Weight gain is a key indicator of chick health and productivity. By monitoring weight gain, farmers…

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