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Egg Production Enhancer

محفز إنتاج البيض

It is an effective combination of natural materials that works to improve egg productivity in laying hens and in breeders of laying and broiler chickens, as it provides the layers’ needs for high energy and minerals. It also works to activate the liver for the highest productivity, in addition to its distinctive role in improving the internal and external quality of eggs for the highest profit for poultry breeders.

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تركيبة رافع مناعة للدواجن


Ovimair is a novel composition that includes energy sources to meet the layers’ high energy requirements. Given the significance of the liver in the process of producing eggs, it also contains liver stimulants. It is also unique in that it contains a collection of chelated minerals, including calcium and zinc, to meet the layers’ mineral requirements. Ovimair therefore strives to increase egg production and quality throughout the cycle.

آلية عمل رافع مناعة للدواجن



مميزات روفتيرال مضاد فيروسي للدواجن


Highest egg productivity

Highest egg productivity

Ovimair delivers the highest levels of egg production to promote enhanced egg production throughout the cycle, ensuring maximum egg production overall.
Top-notch eggs

Top-notch eggs

It improves the external quality of eggs to reduce the breakage rate. It also improves the internal quality of eggs to increase the price of eggs in the market.
Liver activation

Liver activation

Given the significance of the liver in the development of eggs, Ovimair contains substances that enhance liver function and encourage high egg production.
Stronger immunity

Stronger immunity

It boosts the birds' defense mechanisms and the quantity of immunological receptors within their bodies, increasing their resistance to sickness.
Stress protection

Stress protection

Ovimair protects against negative symptoms of stress on the egg production process, thanks to its containment of antioxidants.
Increase Appetite

Increase Appetite

In order for the bird to get the nutrients required for egg production, Ovimair enhances the rate of feed consumption and stimulates the appetite of poultry.
الواحدات المتوفرة من مضاد فيروسي للدواجن

Available Units

محفز إنتاج البيض

5 L


Dose Frequency

1 cm / liter of drinking water

3 days / weak throughout the cycle

آراء العملاء في مضاد فيروسي للدواجن


الاسئلة الشائعة عن فيتامين أد3ه للدواجن


Ovimair is used from preparing layers for the egg production process until the end of the laying cycle.


Of course, because it improves the fertility rate and increases the hatching rates.


No, Ovimair eliminates mycotoxins to protect against their negative impact on egg production, but it does not replace the use of toxin binders.

It does not conflict with any type of medication, but it is preferable to stop it during the treatment period.

الاسئلة الشائعة عن فيتامين أد3ه للدواجن

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